Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Religion is a course that develops an understanding of cultural contexts of religion and its significance to the people. It encompasses a study of the major religions in the world: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism

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Philosophy has its basis in reasoning. Theology is about thinking about religious beliefs rationally while presuming faith and philosophy centers on arguments or proof about the existence of God. Philosophy also relates to inconsistencies in the description of God’s nature.There is much to for Doctorate students to study and write about Religion, Theology, and Philosophy Dissertation Topics. Below are the most important and popular topics to write for a dissertation in this field.

World Religions Dissertation Topics 

World religion modules cover aspects of religious traditions around the world. The study can be on mainstream belief s systems like Catholicism or narrow to a niche like The Samurai. The focus is to explore and gain new insights into the diverse nature of faith. The diverse nature of religion makes it necessary to analyze it in terms of continuous evolution.   Below is a list of world religions dissertation topics that focus on a thematic approach that you can use for research purposes. 

  • A critical analysis of the notion of Atheism in the modern world 
  • An inherent belief of any religion lies in following the teachings by higher authority. Discuss. 
  • An analysis of the contemporary style of preaching in religious gatherings 
  • Is there a relation between religious diversity and terrorism? A comparative analysis 
  • What is the impact of religious evolution in Africa? An analysis of applications and implications 

There are many religions around the world that you can write about in a dissertation. The right way is to focus on a particular religion or an aspect about it to prevent the dissertation from becoming too general. 

 History and Religion Dissertation Topics 

 Most of the religions have existed for a long time. History and religion have much in common.  They are areas of interest in the past decades and continue to have much importance to researchers. They focus on the influence and impact that religion has been impacting culture throughout history.  Do not confine history and religion to evolution or impact on a particular faith.  It is an area going beyond the diversity of religion and focuses on the evolution of the human race over time. The list below will guide you on possible history and religion dissertation topics that you can adapt for your paper. 

  • Islam: The religious foundations of Islam and evolution through the 7th century into the modern world. 
  • Is Christian faith an entrenchment from the roots of Pagan faith? Discuss 
  • An analysis of the role of religion leaderships in the evolution of faith and diversity of beliefs 
  • The ruling political superior influences the premise of faith in society. A critical analysis 
  • Did religious doctrines and ideas influence Adolf Hitler’s actions? 

Religion and the Contemporary World Dissertation Topics 

Religion and the contemporary world is a unit focusing on the way religions operate in the modern world. It includes a study on factors that influence the application of religious beliefs significantly, like the media. It is a fascinating scholarly area when you want to study theology and religion together as implications of religion to the contemporary world or vice versa. It unearths information with an insight about the direction of religion at a time when some question its relevance to modern life. Read below for suggestions on religion and the contemporary world dissertation topics. 

  • Are teachings in the Old Testament of the Christian bible too outdated to apply in 21st-century life? Discuss 
  • Examine the most applicable religious code of ethics in modern life. 
  • A critical analysis of the reasons contributing to the increasing popularity of Buddhism in Europe 
  • Global evolution and recent legalization for recognizing same-gender relationships, but religions do not? What is the possible implication? 
  • Does the media make an unfair representation of Eastern religions, especially Islam, after the 9/11 terror attack? Discuss 

 Ethics and Religion Dissertation Topics 

Ethics and religion is a component concerning the understanding morality of religion, its applications in daily life, and significant moments throughout history.  You can write on much about morality and religion because they have been side by side throughout history. Various moral conducts have roots in religious beliefs. Below is a list of ethics and religion dissertation topics that you can use for your project. 

  • How is religion synonymous with morality? 
  • Discuss ethical beliefs based on religion with an analysis of the application to the moral dilemmas that the modern world is facing  
  • Situational ethics from religion point of view:  discuss the impact of situational ethics in a multi-religious community  
  • Terrorism and religion fundamentalists:   A lack of moral code? 

 Religion and Philosophy Dissertation Topics 

 The connection between religion and philosophy is that the latter is concerned with creating a justification for and against: 

  1. Existence of a superior being  
  2. The potency of religious faith  

Philosophy creates a basis to question aspects of religion to ascertain if it has a philosophical justification.  You can find an interesting, relevant religion and philosophy dissertation topics from the list below.  

  • What is the relationship between the existence of God and life? Critically discuss the two with examples  
  • Death is inevitable. Does religion provide the comfort of a cloak to make us forget the inevitability? 
  • A justification on the existence of God during the continued loss of lives through terrorism and disasters 
  • Challenges to Christian belief faces in justifying the existence of only one omnipotent God. 
  • Does the extremely evil world leave any place for a holy God?
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Architecture and Religion: Built Heritage Dissertation Topics 

The place of architecture in religion is that it plays a significant role within religious communities by providing a visible component of belief. Structured is the place that a community uses to substantiate religious faith. An understanding of the true essence of architectural building within religious faith comes from looking beyond the structural aesthetics of physical buildings. Your dissertation should create a deeper understanding of the engraved intangible value of the religious faith driving the community.  Many research possibilities are available in this area due to the existence of religious buildings around the world. Below is a list of relevant architecture and religion: built heritage dissertation topics. 

  • Architectural buildings like mosques and churches have a big impact on sustaining religious faith? Discuss. 
  • An expensive religious building is a contradiction or religious teaching that everyone is equal. Discuss? 
  • Would the religious people feel any divine presence if there were no religious architectural spaces? 
  • Some buildings are a sign of divine inspiration. Discuss 
  • Is demolishing a religious building demeaning to the deity and faith? 

Politics and Religion: Dissertation Topics

The study of politics and religion aims at drawing a connecting relationship between the two.  A dissertation assignment on the two turns to analyze the impact of each other is a real-life application. The examples below have some of politics and religion: dissertation topics you can use for your paper. 

  • Should there be a strict distinction between religious beliefs and political views? 
  • Religious leadership deserves to get some form of   political influence and a legal authority  
  • How does religion succumb to political pressure and interests? Critically analyze. 
  • Politicians are not religious. They only submit to religious authority when they want to gain popularity.  
  • Religious pathway has led many world leaders to remarkable political achievement. Discuss 

There are many religions, theology, and philosophy dissertation topics, but you should find the most interesting as it will generate the urge to read and research about it. The more information you share will exhibit your research skills and knowledge contribution to your academic field, which is the purpose of this last project. 

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